Monday, December 9, 2013

close encounters

the age of pure potential it is called for a reason. the potential of what you are to fulfill in your life all becomes dependent on yourself all too suddenly for comfort and this is what I believe to be a close encounter of my kind.
my kind are the procrastinators working hard to complete just one to do list in a planner before high school graduation with the same determination as a cheshire cat with a will to pout. the motivation exists where there are no links connected to any resolution to do what mundane task has been scribbled within the day's marked date. 
my kind are at the same time the doggedly slaving college applicants scrapping to pull together a coherent essay totally encompassing of my character and all my capabilities in a still appealing way. a close encounter with my kind: in which totally conflicting attitudes come together in a swirly cacophony has been dizzying us all of our high school careers and it's time we pull ourselves together in time for the final crunch.
speaking for myself, I have finally found the balance to who I am so that I do not limit myself to solely a hopeless procrastinator or tireless perfectionist. it took an epiphany to figure that basic mathematic problem out myself. my potential has always been as deep as my will and should i continue to find a will to define x and y on the graph even when i don't want to crunch, i will have the potential of doing so.
if i fully intend on fulfilling my vast potential in life i will have to do the mundie math homeworks and Maus quizzes along the way.

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