Sunday, January 5, 2014

im on my way! im on my way!

On the road, open desert to your right, upon open desert to your left, you drive windows down. Sitting, with my dirty feet propped up on the dashboard among the many petals of pretty flowers you don't mind me humming my jazz along to the instruments on the cd I burned before we's set out on this journey. It is only me and you out here besides for the occasional car that flies by, both we and they speeding without a glimpse or the vaguest idea of who we'd just encountered possibly for the only time in our lives. After a pinch of nostalgia between my throat and chest, I don't mind. My mind observes the swirly nature of nothingness expanded in all directions and I've fallen deeply in love with the road, not quite yet missing home. Not quite ready to miss home, and hate the road. Under the dust blown around with the wind I planned to find myself on the way to meet her. I haven't yet. The saxophone oozes allure, these horns drive me wild. I am not wild though, do not mistake, the jazz soothes my jostled nerves. Pop-up ads on my mind for ghosts of my past calling my memory, the saxophone melts to pools of drizzling malt inebriating me as the intoxicating fumes of fresh florals surround my senses dizzyingly.
I am Slim Swirl, on the road. On a mission. On my way.

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