Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Orange you glad to know me?

Lets hear it for YOU, Leandra! You know, you sparked the fire of interest in me for busy-ness and business. How about a round of applause for those who inspire by perspiring and never retiring to bed before a days work was done, as you do? How about the fact that I've never been granted an opportunity to instruct you on posing before my camera but you're no less a role model to me? Shellnah model that humorous caption for the audience again and take a bow.
It's not only you, rest assured Mrs. Cohen.
There are others on the mental pedestal I built with my own hands- look at the healing blisters and scraped flesh! I like exclamation points btw.
I just like business and the air of being actively involved in the pursuit of it. The internal feeling of fulfillment is comparable to spring dawning on the frozen patches of garden in your heart. Maybe those are just the sprouting passion fruits peaking just above ground at what's to come: something so DELICIOUS is ripening sweetly- from just a seed of thought!
Almost two years I been at it and gosh has it been one hella ride.
Just to formally announce my absence as something other than nothing. It IS something.
Keep your eyes peeled, this is all leading to one big "orange you glad" I'm back punch line with a Big Bang on the side, to go.

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