Saturday, February 8, 2014


Bang! Bang! Bang!
you shot me in the chest. my heart bleeds, hot red and sticky, right through my favorite sweatshirt.
You look at me look at you know I know you know I'm going to kill you.
Your mouth opens again. Rays of light beam off the shards, on the tip of your tongue, that you almost speak away. I silence you with my dagger stare. the action spoke louder, and you shut your trap.
it's a trap to speak. damned if you tell me damned if you don't but I couldn't give a rats ass what consequences you faced. your two faced personality should have thought of that before you opened your mouth the first time and spoke the cutting words about me that came from behind and out the front, making this whole mess I now wear.

when that sweatshirt comes out of the dryer it is folded and shelved, driving me bananas for the five months I can't find it right in front of me. maybe it's time I buy some spectacles, what a spectacle that would be eh? actually taking care of something much needed. I'd put it on my to do list but I can't seem to find the end of that either to add anything more. onto the to do list goes shrinking my to do list.

the day I found that sweatshirt I had been listening to Debussy X planning a grand photosesh all night long until the wee hours of light that got everyone out of bed, me being one of the few unable to fall asleep due to feedback of the mind. My head throbbed and when I pulled a skirt from its hanger, a little violently Ill admit, the haphazardly placed sweatshirt spilled out of my closet, on the floor, amongst the rubble of my sins.

I picked it up, dusted it off, sniffed, and pulled it over my newly cropped hair (which gives a whole new definition to swirly). Grinning slightly, I was ready. Bring it.

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